According to the December 13th Sunday Democrat and Chronicle, one bright spot in 2020 is a new temporary deduction for charitable donations. ‘As a part of the CARES Act, taxpayers can deduct up to $300 for cash donations given to charity even if they choose to take the standard deduction, rather than itemize their deductions… So a person who makes a cash donation before the end of the year can get a deduction of up to $300 when filing.’ That is $600 for a married couple. Check with your tax advisor or the IRS.
If you are looking for a worthy charity, consider the Gates Historical Society at 634 Hinchey Road, Rochester, NY 14624. The Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. The Society established in 1999 manages the Hinchey Homestead for the Town of Gates, an inner ring suburb west of Rochester, NY.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Society managed to win four of the five grants they applied for during 2020 and raised enough money to replace the signature white fence in front of the Homestead.
The 2021 project for the Society will be restoration of the turn of the century barn, one of the few remaining barns in this older suburb. Known as the cabbage barn from the 1983 application for the National Register of Historic Places, the barn is unique for its craftsmanship and use of old railroad box cars in its construction.
For more information about the Society and the cabbage barn, contact or call the President, Susan Swanton, at (585) 455-4450. View us on Facebook or our website.